FHTW Berlin

FB 4
Internationale Media and Computing
MeSoII: Media Software II
Sommersemester 2003

Exercises and Tentative Schedule

Exercise sessions will be held every week from 9.45-13.30. You can take a 45 minute lunch break any time during this block in order to avoid the crush of students at 11.15 and 13.00. Please be on time for the sessions. If you cannot make the session for some reason, we want to know about it in advance, so that we can make arrangements for how you will catch up on the work. We will attempt to post the exercises enough in advance so that you can prepare.


  1. 2003-03-26: Java Review: Application Objects - Solutions
  2. 2003-04-02: Java Review: Inheritance, Panels, Layout - Solutions
  3. 2003-04-09: Java Review: Receiving Input - Solutions
  4. 2003-04-16: Model/View/Controller - Solutions
  5. 2003-04-23: Basic 2D programming - Solutions
  6. 2003-04-30: Getting Started with the Java 3D API - Solutions
  7. 2003-05-07: continue with "Getting Started", if you have time, start Interaction and Animation
    Note: we will be having a guest teacher this week - people who are applying for a professorship at the FHTW in Media and Business. We will have one talk in each group!
    Group VG 212 will have an applicant from 9.45-10.30.
    Group VG 207 will have an applicant from 12.00-12.45.
    The topic will be "Einfluss der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie auf Innovation wirtschaftlicher Prozesse". We ask each of the students to please fill out a form rating the quality of the lecture.
    This means that you will not make it through the entire tutorial. You can continue what you don't get done the next week. - Solutions
  8. 2003-05-14: continue with Interaction and Animation - Solutions
  9. 2003-05-21: Ex 8: Lighting and Textures - Solutions
  10. 2003-05-28: Ex 9: Get the picture? Advanced Imaging - Solutions
  11. 2003-06-04: Ex 10: Doing it from somewhere else: RMI - Solutions
  12. 2003-06-11: Ex 11: Java does Databases: JDBC I - Solutions
  13. 2003-06-18: Ex 12: Java does Databases: JDBC II - Solutions
  14. 2003-06-25: Ex 13: Wake up and smell the Beans - Solutions
  15. 2003-07-02: Ex 14+15: PDA-Programming: Small Devices (2 weeks)

2003-07-16: All exercises due at 8.00

Please put "MeSo2" and the Exercise number in the subject line of your email in which you submit your report, and don't forget to CC your partner.

I need to have a directly adressable URL and not a frameset that needs to be navigated as the report URL.


Copyright 2003, Debora Weber-Wulff (weberwu@fhtw-berlin.de)