FHTW Berlin

FB 4
Internationale Media and Computing
MeSoII: Media Software II
Sommersemester 2003

Exercise 13: Wake up and smell the Beans

The tutorial for this week can be found at http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/Beans/JBeansAPI/ and is called "Introduction to the JavaBeans API", by John Zukowski.

  1. Beans are all about components. Start reading through the tutorial. Explain in your report what the difference is between AWT components and Bean components.
  2. Get the juggler Demonstration to work by way of the Beanbox, as explained in Magercise 1. Then create the directories and get the SimpleBean started in Magercise 2.
  3. Read about the event model, and then get the StickFigure to work by doing Magercise 3 and Magercise 4. Experiment with the mood property, and report on the results in your report.
  4. Read about BeanInfo and get the fifth Magercise to work.
  5. If you have time, go for the Customization of the Bean by introducing a customizing editor and doing the exercises 6, 7 and 8.
  6. Glutton for punishment? Exercises 9, 10, 11 and 12 are probably lots of fun, too!
Check out the problem with actionPerformed: In order to be conformant with the 1.4 standard the ExplicitButtonBeanInfo has to be changed (near line 47): the new event model requires "action" instead of "actionPerformed". Hier is a repaired jar file (to be placed in the JDK's beans/jar directory: buttons.jar
Thanks, Ilse!

The URL to your report, which will describe what you did during the exercise and include links to your code, is due in email box of your instructor by 8.00 next Wednesday. Do not forget to put your names on the top of the report! It is also a good idea put the number of the exercise somewhere in the title of your report.... When you send the URL of the report to your instructor, always include your partner in the CC. That way we don't get either 2 emails or none, because each or your thought the other was sending it. This has the added advantage that when we answer you, we can immediately answer both of you without having to look up the email account of your partner.


Copyright 2003, Debora Weber-Wulff (weberwu@fhtw-berlin.de)