FHTW Berlin

FHTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationale Medieninformatik
PROG2: Programmierung II
Sommersemester 2003

Solutions to Exercise 1

The first finger exercise was not about filling an array with characters - it was how to access an array (for example, one that counts characters. So instead of being able to do count[currentCharacter]++ we have to convert the character to a number, perhaps normalizing it by subtracting the value for a capital A from the value so obtained.

Normalization is converting to a normal form, for example in Strings making the string into UpperCase so that A and a are the same letter.

You should have discovered that inserting a row or deleting a column is difficult with an Array but easy using a Vector.



Farhia and Patricia

Olga and Sebastian

Jana and Kristin - Nishan - Claudia - Mandy and Annika - Farhia and Patricia - Xandra - Kaspar and Matthias - Denise and Raphael and Frank - Ericco - Bettina -


Letzte Änderung: 29.04.03 - 12:37