FHTW Berlin Medieninformatik

FHTW Berlin
Fachbereich 4
Internationaler Studiengang
Internationale Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
Info 2: Informatik II
Winter Term 2007/08

Informatik II

This course is an introduction to algorithms and data structure . It will be taught in English and with the Java programming language, and will be taught using the language , but it is not about the language. Mastery of Java syntax as taught in Informatik II is assumed.

We learned primitive data types and classes in Informatik I. We will now be looking at more complex data structures and algorithms which work on these data structures. In particular we will be concentrating on how to solve (small) problems using a programming language.

A major component of the class will be a bi-weekly, four-hour, in-class laboratory. During the "off" weeks you have "finger exercises" to do als preparation for the next lab, and you will be writing a report about the previous lab. The lab report will be due at the start of the following laboratory. Much of the lab work will be spent in collaborative work on program development, with an emphasis on student-student interaction and student-student teaching, facilitated and enriched by the course teacher and the tutor.

The following links offer more information about the course

Copyright 2007 Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff
All rights reserved.
Questions or comments: <weberwu@fhtw-berlin.de>
Copyright and Warranty

Last change: 2007-09-30 20:55